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This Statement of Support for U.S. diplomats, first issued October 22, 2019, has been signed by several hundred former USAID employees.

As former Foreign Service Officers, civil servants and political appointees with the US Agency for International Development, we have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations, in Washington DC and throughout the developing world. We are writing in support of colleagues now under siege for their work as diplomats with the Department of State. Together, we spent our careers working to represent the policies and values of the United States. We are angered at the treatment of dedicated, experienced, and wise public servants like Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch; and we are distraught at the dangers inherent in the President’s cavalier (and quite possibly corrupt) approach to making foreign policy on impulse and personal interest rather than in response to national security concerns.

As USAID veterans, we spent our careers helping countries develop the capacity to govern and care for their people. Like our State and military colleagues, we pledge to serve wherever we are sent, in war zones, fragile states, or at the center of natural and man-made disasters. We have been under fire, evacuated from countries in crisis, and helicoptered in to help with floods, earthquakes and famines. Friends and colleagues have sacrificed their lives. We have worked closely with State colleagues to help countries recover from conflict, build new democracies, create jobs, deal with health issues like Ebola and HIV/AIDs, and feed the hungry. It was our job and we were glad to do it.

We are appalled that taxpayer funds for foreign aid may have been used to leverage foreign support for partisan political objectives. The way the President is conducting foreign policy raises questions about the reliability of the U.S. as a partner, its commitment to diplomatic norms, and its capacity for leadership. His administration’s treatment of State Department officers raises concerns about whether we will have the human and institutional capacity to answer those questions.

In a recent essay in Foreign Affairs, former Deputy Secretary of State William Burns calls the President’s “scorched-earth tactics, casual relationship with truth and contempt for career public service” a “New McCarthyism.” The President’s contempt for professionals is having a marked impact on the capacity of the State Department to do its job. According to a Government Accountability Office report, a 13-month hiring freeze left the State Department dangerously overstretched with “limited capacity to engage host country officials, to identify security risks or protect sensitive information.” An August 2019 Inspector General Report admonished political appointees in the Department for “inappropriate practices…including disrespect and hostile treatment of career employees,” based on “perceived political views.” Experienced Foreign Service Officers have been looking for the exits. They are not being replaced. Applications to the Foreign Service have dropped to levels rarely seen in 40 years.

A professional Foreign Service is key to the ability of the United States to develop and conduct a coherent foreign policy that protects our national interests. All of us, as Ambassador Yovanovitch stated in her deposition, took an oath when we joined to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” and “bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” As she said, we feel privileged to serve and are committed to do so on a nonpartisan basis “to strengthen our national security and promote our national interests.”

Our country needs a strong and vibrant Foreign Service, untainted by partisan political interference, to strengthen our relationships with countries around the world. If there is one small consolation all of us can take from recent events in Ukraine, it is that the country has been introduced to public servants like Ambassadors Marie Yovanovitch, Michael McKinley, William Taylor and DAS George Kent. They represent the high integrity, capability and professionalism of career State Department officers, and we are proud to stand with them.


List of USAID Retirees Signing in Support of DOS Colleagues

  1. Anne Aarnes, Career Minister, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Mission Director, Pakistan, Jordan
  2. Cecile Adams, Controller
  3. Greg Adams, Health Officer
  4. Jonathan S. Addleton, Ambassador and five-time USAID Mission Director
  5. Paige Alexander, Assistant Administrator, Europe and Eurasia, Middle East
  6. Stephen C. Allen, Regional Legal Advisor
  7. Adrienne Allison, Program Officer, Office of Population and Reproductive Health
  8. Peter Amato, Economic Development Officer
  9. Glen Anders, Mission Director, Central Asia, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Eritrea
  10. John Anderson, Foreign Service Officer, Governance
  11. William Anderson, Senior Foreign Service Officer, Mission Director, Eritrea
  12. Mary Ann Anderson, Health, Population, and Nutrition Officer
  13. Karen Anderson, Democracy Officer
  14. Sigrid Anderson, Health Officer
  15. Hilda Arellano, Mission Director and Foreign Service Career Minister
  16. Larry Armstrong, Mission Director, Regional Development Office, South Pacific
  17. Robert J. Asselin, Jr., Senior Foreign Service Officer
  18. Brian Atwood, Administrator
  19. David A. Atwood, Counselor, Director, Sustainable Development Office, Africa Bureau
  20. Tracy Atwood, Country Representative, Kyrgyzstan Country Representative
  21. Eugene N. (Tony) Babb, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  22. Byron Bahl, Senior Foreign Service, Counselor
  23. Greg Baker, Senior Economist
  24. Pamela Baldwin, Mission Director, Croatia
  25. Thomas P. Baltazar, Director, Office of Military Affairs
  26. Robert Jadwin Ballantyne, Deputy Director, Brazil
  27. Frederick D. Barton, Ambassador, Assistant Secretary of State, Director of the Office of Transition Initiatives
  28. Henry Bassford, Career Minister, Mission Director, Bolivia, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Egypt
  29. David Bathrick, Minister Counselor, Agricultural Development Officer
  30. Timothy Beans, Mission Director, Thailand, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator
  31. James Bednar, Mission Director
  32. John A. Beed, Minister Counselor, Mission Director, Guatemala, India, Paraguay
  33. Alan Berg, Food and Nutrition Officer
  34. Robert J. Berg, Director of Evaluation
  35. Linda Bernstein, Project Officer
  36. Massar Beye, Program Officer
  37. James A. Bever, Career Minister, Mission Director, Afghanistan, Ghana
  38. Marcia Bernbaum, Education Officer, Program Officer, Senior Foreign Service
  39. Dianne Blane, Mission Director
  40. Jerry Bisson, Mission Director, Minister Counselor
  41. Bonni Blarcom, Customs/Trade Facilitation Expert
  42. Sidney K. Bliss, Jr., Foreign Service Officer, Project Development Officer
  43. Walter G. Bollinger, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Africa Bureau, Mission Director, India
  44. Peter Bloom, Minister Counselor, Mission Director
  45. Robert Bonnafon, Foreign Service Officer, Controller
  46. Margaret Bonner, Mission Director, Ethiopia
  47. Cameron Bonner, Foreign Service Officer
  48. Gerard Bowers, Counselor
  49. Aleksandra Braginski, Project Development Officer
  50. Pushkar Brahmbhatt, Senior Engineer
  51. Ted Bratrud, USAID Representative, New Independent States, Senior Advisor in the Office of the Deputy Secretary of State
  52. Susan K. Brems, Mission Director
  53. Alfreda Brewer, Deputy Mission Director
  54. Jim Brody, Controller
  55. Clifford Brown, Mission Director
  56. Don Brown, Agricultural Development Officer
  57. Meg Brown, Agriculture Development Officer
  58. Terrence Brown, Career Minister, Mission Director, Assistant Administrator, Management
  59. Patricia Buckles, Senior Foreign Service Officer, Mission Director, Central Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Asia
  60. Richard Burns, Economic Growth Officer
  61. Letitia Butler, Deputy Mission Director and Director, Policy Office
  62. Malcolm Butler, Acting Assistant Administrator, Mission Director, Bolivia, Peru, Lebanon, Philippines
  63. Polly Byers, Director, Office of Policy
  64. Stephen F. Callahan, Minister Counselor
  65. Dennis Carroll, Health Specialist
  66. Sean Carroll, Chief of Staff and Chief Operating Officer
  67. George Carner, Mission Director, Tunisia
  68. Margaret Carpenter, Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East
  69. William Carter, Senior Foreign Sevice
  70. Tom Catterson, Senior Forestry Officer
  71. Anthony J. Cauterucci, Mission Director
  72. John Champagne, Program Officer/Manager
  73. Jatinder Cheema, Regional Mission Director, West Africa, Central Asia, Mission Director, Eritrea, Armenia
  74. Douglas Chiriboga, Mission Director, Senior Foreign Service Counselor
  75. Toni Christiansen, Mission Director, Jordan, Egypt
  76. Phillip E. Church, Senior Economist
  77. Cecilia Ciepiela-Kaelin, Project Development Officer
  78. Doug Clark, Senior Foreign Service
  79. Julius E. Coles, Career Minister and Mission Director, Senegal, Swaziland
  80. David Cohen, Mission Director, Bolivia, Panama, Sri Lanka, Haiti
  81. James Cummiskey, Health/Population Officer
  82. Gary Cook, Health Officer
  83. Jock Conly, Mission Director
  84. Thomas F. Cornell, Senior Foreign Service, Officer Counselor
  85. Kathleen Hansen Conroy, Legal Advisor, General Counsel
  86. Frank D. Correll, Minister Counselor; Deputy Assistant Administrator, Francophone Africa; Mission Director, Lesotho, Sri Lanka, Congo
  87. Charles E. Costello, Career Minister, Mission Director
  88. Colette Claude Cowey, Economist and Program Officer
  89. Larry Crandall, Mission Director and Foreign Service Minister Counselor
  90. Charlotte Cromer, Maternal and Child Health Officer
  91. Michael Crosswell, Senior Economist, Policy Analyst
  92. Chris Crowley, Career Minister, Mission Director, Ukraine, Kazakhstan
  93. Tony L. Cully, Controller
  94. Leslie B. Curtin, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  95. Owen Cylke, Senior Foreign Service, Career Minister
  96. Beth E. Cypser, Mission Director
  97. Carol J. Dabbs, Health Officer, Program Officer
  98. Robert Dakan, Mission Director, Belize
  99. Anne Dammarell, Program officer
  100. Dominic A. D’Antonio, Program Officer
  101. Garber Davidson, Chairman, Foreign Service Grievance Board
  102. Oliver R. Davidson, Office of Food and Disaster Assistance
  103. Michael Deal, Mission Director
  104. Leslie (Cap) Dean, Minister Counselor, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Mission Director, South Africa
  105. Katherine Debay, Chief, Child Survival and Health
  106. Paul R DeLay, MD, Chief, HIV/AIDS Division, Population, Health and Nutrition
  107. David Delgado, Agriculture Officer
  108. Rose Marie Depp, Minister Counselor, Mission Director, Director, Human Resources
  109. Vivian Lowery Derryck, Assistant Administrator, Africa
  110. Dirk Willem Dijkerman, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Policy, Asia and Near East, Ebola Coordinator, Acting Assistant Administrator, Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance
  111. Joseph L. Dorsey, Senior Foreign Service, Executive Officer
  112. Jeanne DuRette, Program Officer
  113. David Eckerson, Career Minister, Counselor/Administrator, Mission Director/Uganda
  114. Mark L. Edelman, Deputy Administrator and Ambassador
  115. Corwin Edwards, Supervisory Executive Officer
  116. Richard Edwards, Office Director, Regional Director for the Pacific Islands
  117. Paul Ehmer, Global Public Health Officer
  118. Larry Eicher, Health/Population Officer
  119. Will Elliott, Program Officer
  120. Sharon Epstein, Public Health Officer
  121. David Esch, Human Resources Development
  122. Sylva Etian, Public Health Officer
  123. David Evans, Foreign Service Officer
  124. Peter Ewell, Personal Services Contractor, East Africa
  125. Thomas F. Fallon, Controller
  126. Michael Farbman, Mission Director
  127. Kenneth Farr, Supervisory General Development Officer
  128. Arthur Fell, Minister Counselor, Mission Director, Attorney-Advisor in the Office of the General Counsel
  129. Lloyd Feinberg, Manager, Leahy War Victims Fund
  130. James Fox, Senior Economist
  131. Tom Fox, Assistant Administrator for Policy and Program Coordination
  132. David Frederick, Foreign Service Officer
  133. William Frej, Career Minister, Mission Director Afghanistan, Indonesia
  134. Larry Garber, Mission Director, West Bank/Gaza, Acting Assistant Administrator, Policy Planning and Learning
  135. Loretta Garden, Foreign Service Officer
  136. David Garms, US Representative to the World Food Program
  137. Philip Gary, Chief of Staff, Afghanistan, Professor, National Defense University
  138. James VenDenBos, Program Officer
  139. Viviann Petterson Gary, Senor Foreign Service Officer
  140. Jose Garzon, Democracy and Governance Officer
  141. Dale Gibb, Foreign Service Officer, Health, Population and Nutrition Officer
  142. Ernest F. Gibson, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Officer
  143. Stephen Giddings, Program Officer
  144. Frederick E Gilbert, Deputy and Acting Mission Director, Tanzania
  145. Frank Gillespie, Agriculture Officer
  146. Judith Gilmore, Senior Manager and Evaluator
  147. James Gingerich, Agricultural Economist
  148. William Goldman, Health and Population Officer
  149. Lisa Gomer, General Counsel
  150. Eric Griffel, Provincial Director, Dacca, E. Pakistan
  151. Jacqueline Boehme Griffel, Training and Development
  152. Sherry Grossman, Director, Program Office, Europe and Eurasia
  153. William Hammink, Mission Director, Ethiopia, India, Afghanistan, Sudan
  154. John W. Harbeson, Democracy and Governance Advisor
  155. Donnie Harrington, Deputy Mission Director, Serbia and Montenegro
  156. Randolph Lee Price Harris, Supervisory General Development Officer
  157. Timm A. Harris, Program Officer
  158. John D. Hatch III, Foreign Service Limited, Education
  159. Laurence Hausman, Senior Foreign Service, Agency Environmental Coordinator
  160. Larry Heilman, Deputy Mission Director, Bourkina Faso
  161. Jack Heller, Director, Office of Programs and Policies, Latin America Bureau
  162. Robert Hellyer, Minister Counselor
  163. David Hess, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  164. Barry N. Heyman, General Development Officer
  165. George A. Hill, Minister Counselor
  166. David Himelfarb, General Development Officer
  167. Tonya Himelfarb, Health Officer
  168. Michael Hirsh, Foreign Service Officer
  169. Beth Hogan, Senior Foreign Service
  170. Paul Holmes, Regional Health Officer
  171. Robert Hudec, Program Officer
  172. Mary Huntington, Senior Foreign Service, Deputy Mission Director, Office Director
  173. John Huxtable, Area Coordinator
  174. Marge Huxtable, RN, CORDS, Vietnam
  175. George Ingram, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, Europe and Eurasia
  176. Paul Isenman, Deputy Director
  177. Robert P.Jacobs, Deputy Mission Director
  178. Charles Johnson, Mission Director
  179. Thomas Johnson, Program Officer
  180. William H. Johnson, International Health and Population Officer
  181. Phil Jones, Foreign Service Officer
  182. Terrence (Terry) Jones, Controller,
  183. Mary D. June, Program Officer
  184. Robert Kahn, Program Officer
  185. Gerald Kamens, Office Director
  186. Kelly Kammerer, Career Minister, Mission Director, Nepal
  187. John Carleton Kelley, Foreign Service Officer
  188. Lynn Keeys, Program and Project Development Officer
  189. Joan Austin Keirstead, Administrative Assistant
  190. Richard A. Keirstead, Public Health Advisor
  191. Barbara Kennedy, Senior Development Officer
  192. Tom Kennedy, Supervisory Program Officer
  193. Kevin Kelly, Mission Director
  194. Erma Kerst, Minister Counselor, Mission Director, Kenya
  195. Michael Kerst, Food for Peace Officer
  196. Mary Kilgour, Mission Director
  197. Michael G. Kitay, Assistant General Counsel, Senior Executive Service
  198. Lawrence Klassen, Senior Foreign Officer
  199. Stephen Klein, Foreign Service Officer
  200. Mary H. Knox, Civil Servant
  201. Michael Korin, Foreign Service Officer
  202. Thomas Mark Kraczkiewicz, Program Economist
  203. Peter F. Kranstover, Foreign Service Officer
  204. Elisabeth Kvitashvili, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, Mission Director
  205. Linda Lakernau, Health Officer
  206. Bradshaw Langmaid, Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Near East Bureau
  207. Joan E. LaRosa, Health Development Officer
  208. David Leibson, Chief, Office of Near East/North Africa, Housing and Urban Development
  209. Carl Leonard, Career Minister
  210. Robert Lester, Assistant General Counsel
  211. Ronald D. Levin, Minister Counselor, Mission Director
  212. Neil Levine, Democracy Officer
  213. Amanda Levinsom, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  214. George E. Lewis, Mission Director
  215. Dawn Liberi, Mission Director, Iraq, Ambassador, Liberia
  216. Jon D. Lindborg, Minister Counselor
  217. Linda N. Lion, Minister Counselor, Mission Director
  218. John Lovaas, Deputy Mission Director, El Salvador, Niger
  219. Corbin B. Lyday, Senior Policy Analyst
  220. Roberta Mahoney, Mission Director, Senior Deputy Assistant. Administrator
  221. Timothy Mahoney, Social Scientist
  222. David Mandel, Country Representative, Uzbekistan
  223. Pamela Mandel, Health, Population and Nutrition Officer
  224. Jerre Manarolla, Economist
  225. Jeffrey Marburg-Goodman, Special Counsel to the Administrator, Assistant General Counsel
  226. Raymond Martin, Chief, Offices of Population, Health and Nutrition
  227. Richard Martin, Health and Population Officer
  228. Patricia S. Matheson. Program Office Director, Europe and Eurasia
  229. Robert Maushammer, Country Representative, Estonia, Program Officer
  230. David McCloud, Mission Director, South Sudan, Deputy Assistant Administrator
  231. Wayne McDonald, Foreign Service Officer
  232. Michael McGahuey, Natural Resources Management
  233. Edwin McKeithen, Public Health Officer
  234. David Mein, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  235. Larry Meserve, Minister Counselor, Mission Director
  236. Charles Gary Merritt, Public Health Officer
  237. Marlyn Merritt, Diplomacy Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science
  238. Costas Michalopoulos, Chief Economist, Policy Planning
  239. James Michel, Assistant Administrator, Counselor
  240. Frank Miller, Senior Foreign Service
  241. John Miller, Counselor
  242. Charles Mohan, Chief Economist, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
  243. Franklin Moore, Deputy Assistant Administrator
  244. Susan Morawetz, Program Analyst, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
  245. Andrew Morehead, Program Economist
  246. Thomas R. Morris, Deputy Mission Director, Georgia
  247. Ted Morse, Deputy Assistant Administrator
  248. Paul Mulligan, Senior Economist, Ukraine, Russia, Egypt, Pakistan, Cote d’Ivoire
  249. Donald W. Muncy, Program Officer
  250. Robert J. Muscat, Chief Economist
  251. Desaix (Terry) Myers, Mission Director, Russian, Indonesia
  252. Ursula Nadolny, Health Officer
  253. William Nance, Counselor, USAID Representative
  254. Margaret Neuse, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  255. Alexander Durham Newton, Mission Director, Haiti, Ghana, Mali, Congo/DRC, Bourkina Faso
  256. Gary Newton, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  257. Thomas Nicastro, Senior Foreign Service, Officer Counselor
  258. James Norris, Career Minister, Mission Director, and Deputy Assistant Administrator,
  259. Mary Norris, Economist
  260. Charles North, Career Minister, Mission Director, Russia
  261. Walter North, Mission Director, Zambia, Egypt, India, Indonesia; Ambassador, Papua New Guinea
  262. Richard Nygard, Deputy Assistant Administrator
  263. Lawrence Odle, Project Development Officer
  264. Suzanne Olds, Mission Director, Armenia
  265. Eilene Oldwine, Deputy Director, South Africa
  266. David S. Olinger, Regional Housing and Urban Development Officer
  267. David Oot, Counselor and Senior Health Officer
  268. David Ostermeyer, Chief Financial Officer
  269. David Painter, Senior Foreign Service Officer, Director, Office of Housing and Urban Programs
  270. Tammy L. Palmer, Economic Growth Officer
  271. Alexi Panehal, Minister Counselor, Mission Director
  272. Norma Parker, Minister Counselor
  273. Willard J. Pearson, Jr., Agency Counselor, Mission Director, Egypt, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Central/West Africa
  274. Carol Peasley, Mission Director and Career Minister
  275. Jose M. Pena, Foreign Service Officer
  276. Harry Petrequin, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  277. Dale Pfeiffer, Mission Director, Kosovo, Tanzania
  278. John Pielemeier, Mission Director, Brazil
  279. Nancy Pielemeier, Deputy Director, Office of Health
  280. David Piet, Population and Health Officer
  281. Nicole Pitter-Patterson, Personal Services Contractor, Latin America Bureau
  282. Ann B. Posner, Supervisory Executive Officer
  283. Robert G Posner, Project Development Officer
  284. Eric Postel, Assistant Administrator, Environment, Economic Growth, and Education
  285. Patrick Rader, Private Enterprise Officer
  286. Scott Radloff, Director, Office of Population and Reproductive Health
  287. Dan Rathbun, Foreign Service Officer
  288. Tom Ray, Supervisory Executive Officer, Senior Foreign Service
  289. Julia Owen Rea, Education Officer/AFR
  290. Samuel S. Rea, Minister Counselor
  291. Ray Reddy, Foreign Service Officer
  292. James Redder, Controller
  293. Allan Reed, Minister Counselor, Mission Director, Zambia, Bosnia
  294. Susan Reichle, Career Minister, Counselor to USAID
  295. William Renison, Economist
  296. Stacy Rhodes, Career Minister, Mission Director, Nepal, Guatemala, South Africa
  297. Lois Richards, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau of Humanitarian Relief, Career Minister
  298. Joy Riggs-Perla, Director, Office of Health and Nutrition, Global Health Bureau
  299. Lex Rieffel, Program Economist
  300. Raymond Rifenburg, Mission Director, Dominican Republic
  301. Susan Riley, Mission Director
  302. William L. Riley, Program Officer
  303. Denny F. Robertson, Mission Director
  304. Ernest R. Rojas, Program Officer
  305. Alison Rosenberg, Assistant Administrator
  306. Peter R. Rosenblatt, Deputy Assistant General Counsel
  307. Irving Rosenthal, Foreign Service Officer, Mission Director, Niger
  308. Cynthia F. Rozell, Minister Counselor, Mission Director, Malawi, Mozambique
  309. Gale Rozell, Senior Agriculture Development Officer
  310. Jerrold Rubin, Economic Development Officer
  311. Ludwig Rudel, Program Officer, India
  312. Ronald Ruybal, Natural Resources and Agriculture Officer
  313. Kevin A. Rushing, D.V.M., Mission Director to Jordan and Nepal
  314. Joe Ryan, Economist
  315. Fenton Sands, Mission Director, Guyana
  316. Mary Pat Seelvaggio, Health, Population and Nutrition Officer
  317. Satish Shah, Minister Counselor, Director, Regional Economic Services
  318. Brent Schaeffer, Executive Officer and Counselor
  319. Bill Schauffler, Division Chief, Office of Information Resources Management
  320. Christina Hussey Schoux, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  321. Rick Scott, Senior Foreign Service Officer, Mission Director
  322. Barbara Seligman, Social Science Analyst and Survey Statistician, Technical Advisor in AIDS and Child Survival
  323. Richard Seifman, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  324. Alex Shakow, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Program and Policy Coordination
  325. Alex Shapleigh, Foreign Service Officer
  326. David Shear, Career Minister, Mission Director, Senegal
  327. Christine Sheckler, Foreign Service Officer
  328. Jonathan Shepard, Presidential Management Fellow
  329. Rosalind Sika, Contracting Officer
  330. Steven Silcox, Foreign Service Officer
  331. Mark Silverman, Minister Counselor, Deputy Assistant Administrator
  332. Robert Simpson, Senior foreign Service
  333. Monica Sinding, Deputy Mission Director, REDSO/Nairobi
  334. Steven W. Sinding, Mission Director, Kenya
  335. Meri Sinnitt, Health Officer
  336. Andy Sisson, Mission Director, East Africa, Central Asia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
  337. Laura Slobey, Health Officer
  338. Glenn Slocum, Senior Development Adviser, Rapid Surge Support Statt
  339. James T. Smith, Jr., Deputy Assistant Administrator
  340. Barbara Smithers, Health Officer
  341. Robert Sonenthal, Assistant General Counsel
  342. David Soroko, Agriculture Development Officer
  343. Erin Soto, Mission Director, India
  344. Donald R. Soules, Jr. Program Officer
  345. Barbara Spaid, Foreign Service Officer, Family Planning and Reproductive Health
  346. Jonathan Sperling, Program Officer
  347. David Sprague, Senior Education Officer
  348. Thomas Staal, Counselor to the Agency, Mission Director, Ethiopia, Iraq
  349. Roy Stacy, Mission Director, Career Minister
  350. Stanley A. Stala, Food for Peace Officer
  351. Dwight Steen, Senior Foreign Service, Agriculture Development Officer
  352. David I. Steinberg, Senior Foreign Service Officer
  353. Monica Stein-Olson, Mission Director, West Bank/Gaza, Morocco
  354. Joseph F. Stepanek, Senior Economist, Mission Director, Tanzania
  355. James “Spike” Stephenson, Mission Director, Iraq, Serbia/Montenegro, Lebanon
  356. Thomas M. Stephens, Senior Foreign Service Officer, Contracting Officer
  357. Wendy Stickel, Senior Foreign Service, Deputy Director for South Africa, Southern Africa
  358. Jimmie M. Stone, Senior Foreign Service, Mission Director, USAID Representative
  359. Ben Stoner, Environment Officer
  360. Thomas W. Stukel, Mission Director
  361. William Sugrue, Foreign Service Officer
  362. Jack Sullivan, Assistant Administrator
  363. Howard Sumka, Senior Foreign Service
  364. John R. Swallow, Supervisor General Development Officer
  365. Lucretia Taylor, Career Minister, Mission Director, Tanzania
  366. George Taylor, Environment/Agriculture and Rural Development Officer
  367. John Thomas, Agriculture Development Officer
  368. Rudolph Thomas, Mission Director, Liberia, Benin, Madagascar
  369. Robert Thurston, Senior Foreign Service, Officer Counselor
  370. Dianne Tsitsos, Mission Director, Armenia
  371. Kiert Toh, Mission Director, Kenya, Malawi
  372. Robert Traister, Senior Development Officer,
  373. Nancy Tumavick, Senior Foreign Service, Deputy Mission Director
  374. Barbara N. Turner, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Europe and Eurasia; Acting Deputy Administrator
  375. Charles Uphaus, Counselor, Senior Foreign Service, Agriculture Development Officer
  376. Ann Van Dusen, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator
  377. Roberta K. van Haeften, Food Security Advisor
  378. Sharon Van Pelt, Democracy Officer
  379. Paul G Vitale, Foreign Service Officer
  380. Dana M. Vogel, Supervisory Health and Population Officer
  381. Bonnie Walter, Project Officer
  382. Elzadia Washington, Mission Director, Namibia
  383. Janice M. Weber, Mission Director, Brazil
  384. Theodore Weihe, Political Appointee (17 years on USAID Advisory Committee )
  385. John R. Westley, Mission Director, Kenya, Bangladesh, Egypt
  386. Nimalka Wijesooriya, Controller and Foreign Service Counselor
  387. Gordon West, Career Minister and Mission Director
  388. Aaron Williams, Career Minister, Mission Director, South Africa; Assistant Administrator, Latin America/Caribbean
  389. Alonso Wind, Deputy Mission Director
  390. Harry Wing, Agricullture Development Officer
  391. Stephen Wingert, Mission Director, Costa Rica,
  392. Steve Wisecarver, Deputy Assistant Administrator
  393. Gregg W. Wiitala, Program/Project Development Officer, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Ghana, Egypt, Bosnia, Jordan
  394. George G. Wood, Project Development Officer
  395. Jerry J. Wood, General Development, Education, and Governance
  396. Jerome Wolgin, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development
  397. John D. Wooten, Jr., Deputy Mission Director, Program, Project Development
  398. Susumu Ken Yamashita, Mission Director, Kosovo, Colombia, Afghanistan
  399. Frank J. Young, Mission Director, Ghana, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Africa, Asia
  400. Marilyn Zak, Mission Director, Minister Counselor












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