Space Program Diplomacy: The U.S. space program became an important instrument of American foreign relations during the Cold War. Three months after Friendship 7 orbited the earth in 1962 with John Glenn, Jr. on board, the returned space capsule set off on a worldwide journey to promote and represent the United States and its space program around the world. Over the course of its three-month-long world tour, Friendship 7 was seen by roughly four million people. This photo from the National Air and Space Museum shows Friendship 7 in Ceylon (Sri Lanka), July 1, 1962.
The Challenges of the Middle East by Haviland Smith
The Zombie Returns: Middle East Peace Plan Would Create Palestinian Bantustan by Edward Marks
Learning About Islam: From Ignorance to Understanding by Ben Tua
Foreign Service Resignations: Why I Stayed by Chris Datta
Senator Richard G. Lugar: A Lifetime of Diplomatic Engagement by Paul Foldi
Murder in Equatorial Guinea: A Foreign Service Urban Legend by Mark L. Asquino
Mr. Dooley and the Russians by Peter Bridges
Vice President Nixon and Cold War Public Diplomacy by Hans Tuch
Interns Reflect on Their Experiences at the State Department by Deja Gainey and Eric Kindelan
National Archives
The Department of State’s support for the U.S. manned space program was extensive, including informing foreign governments of launches and other mission-related matters and negotiating the establishment of tracking stations and other ground facilities in foreign countries around the world.
Apollo 11: The Department of State prepares for launch
Apollo 11: Preparing for the unthinkable
In a discussion over the international implications of objects that might be left on the Moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission, the State Department argued that “The raising of an American flag would seem most undesirable…”
Apollo 11: Mementos on the Moon
The United States Information Agency (USIA) was responsible for telling America’s story abroad. In 1969, the agency gave high priority to conveying the story of the moon landing to nations around the world and reporting on the foreign reaction.
Apollo 11: Telling the story around the world
Apollo 11: The foreign reaction
Apollo 11: Dealing with the foreign press
Apollo 11: Telling the story around the world post mortem
Hong Kong returns to China, Part I
Hong Kong returns to China, Part II
Academy of Diplomacy | Strengthening the Department of State
CRS Reports | Foreign Relations Reauthorization: Background and Issues
The Hill | The US must restore diplomacy and leadership for a safer world
In memoriam
We note the passing on May 2 of retired Foreign Service officer Richard Bartlett Moon. Bart was one of the founders of our Journal, served as treasurer of the board and, for many years, as publisher.
Five-time ambassador John Gunther Dean died June 6. Read his oral history at
In Memory of Senator Richard Lugar, 1932-2019 by Richard Combs