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Desperate refugees swamp a boat. Courtesy of the Naval History and Heritage Command
Refugees fleeing Smyrna swamp a boat. Courtesy of the Naval History and Heritage Command
The Editor’s Page by Raymond Smith



Glasnost—A Bulgarian View by Jonathan Rickert
From Our Archives
ADST Moments in Diplomatic History

Ambassador Thomas Armbruster reflects on the creation of the Arctic Council and both the problems and the possibilities of working with Russia on environmental issues.

Environmental Diplomacy: The United States and Russia in the Arctic

National Archives

The problem of combatting global poverty was the theme of a conference sponsored by the Kennedy Library in 2005. The participants’ remarks illustrate Mark Wentling’s concern in the Commentary section of this issue about how much remains to be done.


Military History for the Modern Strategist by Michael O’Hanlon Reviewed by Fletcher M. Burton

Books of Interest

A Professional Foreigner: Life in Diplomacy By Edward Marks Erdogan’s War: A Strongman’s Struggle At Home And In Syria By Gonul Tol The Zelensky Effect By Olga Onuch and Henry E. Hale Accidental Conflict: America, China, and the Clash of False Narratives By Stephen Roach Putin’s Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine By Mark Galeotti Book Cover: The Next Apocalypse: The Art and Science of Survival By Chris Begley

A Professional Foreigner • Erdogan’s War
The Zelensky Effect • Accidental Conflict
The Next Apocalypse • Putin’s Wars

As the war in Ukraine grinds into its second year, debate in the West continues about how it should end.  In the articles below, Timothy Snyder contends that anything less than a Ukrainian victory and a Russian defeat could challenge the future of democracy, while Charles Kupchan sees greater dangers emanating from a push for total victory than from a negotiated settlement.

Ambassador Robert Blake’s article in this issue stemmed from his remarks at a webinar sponsored by Duke University’s Rethinking Global Diplomacy Program. The links below are to the webinar and to a Duke Today article on it.

This issue’s article by Ismini and Chris Lamb takes issue with the portrayal of U.S. consul general Charles Horton in a 2010 article published in American Diplomacy. You can find the 2010 article at the link below.

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