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Trauma in Togo

February 2020

by Mark Wentling In April 1991, while I was serving in Lomé, Togo as the USAID Representative for Togo and Benin, protests in Lomé against the dictatorial regime of President Eyadéma reached the boiling point. One night, President Eyadéma’s barbaric … Read more

Foreign Service Accounts from the Oral History Archives

September 2018

August marks the 30th anniversary of the Burmese student pro-democracy demonstrations that began on “8/8/88”. The U.S. subsequently withdrew its ambassador in protest of the military regime, beginning a hiatus in relations that lasted until 2012.

Mideast Revolutions and Diplomacy

February 2011

by Ambassador (ret) William Rugh, Ph.D. A distinguished retired diplomat with decades of experience in the region provides us with his look at the current turmoil in the Middle East, its promises and its pitfalls.–Ed. The events we have witnessed … Read more

The Case Against Pinochet

June 1999

By J. Craig Barker The author addresses, in the Chilean context, human rights questions and international law bearing on heads of state. Given the current conflict in the Balkans, clearly the topic could come to have have wider interest on … Read more