Announcement from the Editor
To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the U. S. Peace Corps in 2011, Peace Corps volunteers are asked to contribute 150 to 300 words (less than one page) to a compilation of submissions on the theme: “How my Peace Corps experience changed me.” If you are a Peace Corps volunteer yourself, I hope you will take a few minutes to jot down a page or less on this theme. If you run over a page we may edit the piece to fit with the others. If you know others who are Peace Corps volunteers (and I am sure you do), I trust that you will enlist them to forward a submission to in the next month or so. [Deadline for receipt of materials by the editor is March 1.] Tell them that it will appear with many others from Peace Corps volunteers through the years as a tribute for the 50th Anniversary of the U. S. Peace Corps. For many volunteers this may be the last major anniversary celebration and it would be unfortunate indeed if we failed to give every Peace Corps volunteer a opportunity to tell how the experience changed him or her. If you are pressed for time, just forward this paragraph to your Peace Corps alumni friends.
Thanks in advance for your submission and/or for passing this call along to your Peace Corps alumni friends and colleagues.