FY2011 Request: $56.8 billion
FY2010 Enacted: $50.7 billion
FY2010 Supplemental: $4.5 billion
The Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other international programs advance the interests of the United States through engagement, partnership, and the promotion of universal values. Through the power of our example and the empowerment of people, using diplomatic and development tools, we work to forge the global consensus required to defeat the threats, manage the challenges, and seize the opportunities of the 21st century.
Maintain American Leadership Around the Globe to Enhance American Security at Home
- $4.0 billion in FY 2011 for Afghanistan assistance and $3.1 billion for Pakistan assistance to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan by increasing assistance to both countries, providing funds for governance, reconstruction, and other development activities that will counter extremists. In addition, funding is provided for ongoing support, logistics and security for the existing U.S. Missions in Afghanistan and Pakistan and new funding is provided to support over 500 additional civilian staff in Afghanistan and Pakistan in order to execute the President’s strategy.
- $2.6 billion in FY 2011 to support ongoing activities in Iraq and to prepare the Department of State to assume responsibility for key programs that have been funded and led by the Department of Defense, including police capacity building, and to provide security and logistic support for U.S. civilians deployed throughout Iraq.
- $4.5 billion in FY 2010 supplemental funds to advance the President’s strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan and to help facilitate the military-to-civilian transition in Iraq.
Invest in Global Development to Save Lives and Secure Our Future
- $8.5 billion to expand the President’s Global Health Initiative to save millions of lives and securing our future with smart health and development investments. The President’s Budget expands funding to treat and prevent global HIV/AIDS, implement maternal and child health initiatives to reduce the mortality of mothers and children under five, expand efforts to stop malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases, and enhance capacity and long-run sustainability of local health systems.
- $1.6 billion for agriculture development and nutrition programs as part of a multi-year plan to lift people out of poverty and reduce under-five malnutrition for millions of children by 2015, with funding provided through two main channels to poor countries – through bilateral assistance and through a new multi-donor facility administered by the World Bank.
- $1.4 billion to help developing nations adapt to climate change and pursue low-carbon development with the assistance of U.S.-built clean energy technologies and increased sequestration of carbon stored in soils, plants, and trees.
- $446 million to fund the second year of the President’s initiative to significantly increase the number of Peace Corps volunteers, and keeps the Peace Corps on track to grow by 50 percent so it reaches 11,000 volunteers by 2016.
- $1.9 billion in annual contributions and arrears to Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to help meet the needs of the poorest populations globally, including countries that have disproportionally felt the effects of the global financial crisis.
- $1.3 billion for new Millennium Challenge Corporation compacts in eligible countries, such as Indonesia and Zambia, to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth
High-Priority Performance Goals
The Administration is committed to building a transparent, high-performance government capable of addressing the challenges of the 21st century. As part of developing the budget, every department identified high-priority performance goals (along with the strategies and in-house resources to achieve them) that each will work to accomplish over the next two years. Highlights of this department’s goals are:
- Strengthen Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s capacity to effectively provide services to citizens and enhance the long-term sustainability of development efforts by increasing the number of local implementers (government and private) that can achieve a clean audit to clear them to manage civilian assistance funds.
- Help the Iraqi people continue to build a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant country as the United States transitions from military to civilian responsibility in Iraq, measured by improvements in security, political, and economic metrics.
- By 2011, countries receiving health assistance will better address priority health needs of women and children, with progress measured by USG and UNICEF-collected data and indicators. Longer term, by 2015, the Global Health Initiative aims to reduce mortality of mothers and children under five, saving millions of lives, avert millions of unintended pregnancies, prevent millions of new HIV infections, and eliminate some neglected tropical diseases.
To see the Department’s full set of performance information, please visit: www.state.gov and www.usaid.gov.
For Highlights of the State Department Budget see:
For a Detailed Look at the International Affairs portion of the Budget see: