Diplomatic and Consular Officers, Retired (DACOR) has announced plans for a one-day conference on the theme “India: 21st Century Superpower?” It will be held at the World Bank Auditorium in Washington, DC, from 8:15 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Friday, October11, 2002. Amb. Alan W. Lukens with deliver opening remarks and HE Lalit Mansingh, Ambassador of India, will be the keynote speaker. Further details can be obtained from Richard McKee at <Exec.Dir@dacorbacon.org>.The poor in Muslim states may be the popular base of terrorist support, but they have neither the money nor the votes (who votes doesn’t count, who counts them does, in Stalin’s immortal words) the privileged do. Ultimately, Islamic terrorism, just as its Marxist or secessionist version in the West and Latin America was, is a matter of power—who has it and how to get it—not of poverty. Accepting this as a fundamental aspect of terrorism does not suggest any immediate solutions, but can direct further study toward better explanations of terrorism and theories with some potential predictive value.