American Diplomacy takes pleasure in announcing the appointment of two new members to its volunteer staff (see “About American Diplomacy“). Both are retired senior U. S. Foreign Service officers with deep interest in strengthening the diplomatic arm of the United States. They bring a combined sixty-two years of Foreign Service experience, including some sixteen assignments abroad, to the positions they will hold with the publication.

Associate Publisher Michael W. Cotter will assist Publisher Bart Moon in seeking to expand American Diplomacy’s readership and its support base. Ambassador Cotter was U. S. envoy to Turkmenistan in the late 1990s. A graduate of Georgetown University, the Michigan University Law School, and Stanford University, he began his Foreign Service career in South Vietnam in 1970. In addition to lengthy service abroad he has held senior positions in Washington in the Department of State.
Among other activities, Associate Editor Richard C. Schoonover will assist Editor Henry Mattox in the consideration of manuscripts submitted for publication and in copy editing. Mr. Schoonover completed a distinguished career with the U. S. Information Service as a specialist in press relations. His assignments abroad included four tours in Africa; additionally, he accompanied his wife, career diplomat Brenda B. Schoonover, on her recent assignment as America’s Ambassador to Togo. He is a graduate of the Department of State’s Senior Seminar, the University of California at Riverside, and the University of California at Berkeley.