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Note from the Publisher

Although American Diplomacy is produced almost entirely by an unpaid volunteer staff, it does incur expenses for such things as computer equipment, office supplies, and contracted services associated with our website. The publication has been been favored by three foundation grants over its five-year lifetime: one from the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation and two, thanks to the assistance of Ambassador William Harrop, from the Nelson B. Delavan Foundation. These grants have been largely responsible for our being able to present free to our Internet readers timely and informative reports and commentary on a continuing basis. I want to draw public attention to these benefactors and, on behalf of the officers and the board of directors of American Diplomacy Publishers, to thank them once again for keeping us going.

American Diplomacy would be remiss, however, if it did not also publicly recognize the critical importance to our success of contributions from individuals. Although they are tax free, we recognize that these donations, sometimes modest, sometimes not so modest, always important, represent a sacrifice on the part of the givers. We are honored by these gifts. Further, these individual donations, which in total represent a substantial amount, ratify our belief that American Diplomacy represents something of value to the internet community.

Several members of our board of directors merit special note; they have found it possible to support American Diplomacy not only with their time and wise policy guidance, but also with their pocketbooks. Dr. Roy Melbourne’s most generous check helped keep American Diplomacy alive in its infancy, and Mr. Curt Jones has stepped forth three times, when our financial position looked bleakest, to help make sure our bills got paid. Other board members who have made individual contributions are Mr. Carl Fritz, Hon. William Harrop, Dr. Michael Hunt, Hon. Edward Marks, and Mr. Ed Williams.

Others who have helped keep American Diplomacy airborne include: Mr. Donald Bishop, Hon. James Bullington, Hon. Herman Cohen, Hon. Theresa Healy, Ms Patricia Linderman, Hon. David Newsom, Mr. Jack Nixon, Mr. Alvin Perlman, Mr. Eugene Scassa, Mr. R. Schenk, Dr. Eugene Schmiel, Hon. Ronald Spiers, Mr. Nile Stanton, and Mr. Allen Willcox.

This is American Diplomacy‘s roll of honor. I hope that the future will see us adding many more names to it.

Bart Moon, Publisher
P.O. Box 3114
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27515

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